Blood USA,PL
Bloodline: Inbreeding Miller's Divergent 1:2, Swogger's
Beautiful children of their parents. A collection of exclusive and unique, there is no such combination of bloodlines even in Europe. The puppies are nephews of the most titled pit bull in the world! The grandmother of the puppies is from the USA, the mother is imported from Italy and the father is also an import carrying the blood of the USA! On the mother's line there are champions of European and American competitions in sports and shows!
Father managed to make a career in show business before the war and sing, so to speak, independently defend his honor). We have someone to be proud of in the pedigree and it's not just a piece of paper. Puppies with ADBA documents (the most prestigious docks in the world).
Next is an amazing girl. Free for reserve. Only the blood of imported dogs. In the pedigree are champions of sports and exhibition events. Not giants and not horses!! Dogs meet the standard, not fashion trends!! if you want a 40kg pit bull - buy a bull! Puppies are suitable for exhibitions and sports. With great potential. . If you want a beautiful representative of the breed - write. .
Only for serious people. Who are ready to devote time and attention to a puppy. With a good financial base. Over 21 years old.
Registered ADBA
Link Online Ped
The history of Kima's pedigree

Miller's Divergent
mother Kima

Kyma's mother MILLER'S DIVERGENT, also known as Tris, is a wonderful representative of the terrier type breed, showing great enthusiasm and a strong desire to work. She was imported to Italy from the American kennel Real Deal Chocolate, which, unfortunately, is no longer active.
This bitch participated in the breeding program only twice and is now spayed and cannot have any more offspring. The first breeding was with a wonderful representative of the RED MACHINES BIM BAM BOM breed, ADBA CHAMPION. This mating produced excellent sporting dogs that won prizes in Italy, especially in sports competitions. GCK'S ENTER THE NINJA was born from this particular breeding, remember this dog, we will come back to him.
The second breeding was done at my request because it was my dream. When I contacted the owner of Miller's Divergent aka Tris for information and clarification on the plans for her offspring, the answer was not good. Tris had recently lived exclusively as a family pet, and the owner had no intention of breeding her anymore, as he was working on another breed.
This information made me sad, but we found a compromise. In order to realize this breeding, I had to buy three puppies as a condition. I agreed without even thinking about it, because the breeding was planned with Tris' son (the same GCK'S ENTER THE NINJA), who was born from her first mating, and therefore there was inbreeding.
This was my opportunity to get a puppy with close inbreeding to Tris (2:1) and to gain access to the Swoggers line, which has always attracted me with its dogs that were extremely muscular and compact in size. Despite the fact that the Swoggers line has left a deep mark on the history of the breed, unfortunately, there are very few representatives of this line, as the Redcoat Kennels kennel has also long ceased operations and remained in history.
There are always stars beyond the reach of every cattery owner. Everyone always has their favorite bloodlines that beckon them to go in search of them around the world.
I have made several attempts to buy adult dogs, direct descendants of Swogger's Gaia, but these attempts were unsuccessful. In this breeding, everything worked out perfectly, as each dog in the pedigree carried a story and harmoniously complemented the pedigree.
Fate was working perfectly, and that's how we welcomed our Kima, Venum and Zonda, just two days before the full-scale war in Ukraine.

The most titled pit bull in the world
The most titled pit bull terrier in the history of the breed, Miller's Boogieman, is our pride in the pedigree, and he is Kima's own uncle. However, it's important to note that success is always the interaction between owner and dog. Each owner acts as a guide and mentor for their dog, guiding, training and nurturing.
So, a little bit of history. Our most titled pit bull terrier was born out of the great diligence and deep expertise of the REAL DEAL Chocolate kennel (which has already closed). Boogieman is an example of dedication, hard work and just a great representative of the breed. Together with his owner, he has achieved incredible success in the pit bull terrier world, recognized not only by national competitions but also by international ones.
This dog not only had good show achievements, but also embodied working qualities and exceptional temperament. It is important to remember that every successful pit bull terrier is the result of the kennel and owner's careful work towards a common goal.
All the results can be found on the official page of the No Team F.E.A.R. team, we want the story of great dogs to be available to everyone.

Great great grandfather
Maximu's Cuervo Gold
MAXIMUS KENNEL CUERVO GOLD is probably the most important and one of the most desirable sires among American pit bull terriers in Poland today. This is not surprising, because this upbringing really made a significant contribution in its time.
A valuable representative of the medium-sized terrier type was a bolt from the blue at the Weight Pulling competition.
Every reputable kennel dreams of including these impressive bloodlines in their breeding program to enrich the genetic heritage.
Even after his passing, MAXIMUS KENNEL CUERVO GOLD's legacy lives on, and his bloodlines remain a precious resource for many generations of catteries seeking to produce high quality breeders.
His contribution to the breeding program will remain an integral part of the breed's history, and his influence will be felt for generations to come.
The most important trait of a pit bull terrier is its loyalty. This dog will stand by you in any situation, regardless of the conditions.
(c) Richard Stretton
It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of each dog that can be found in Kima's pedigree. Each generation, each representative of the breed has left behind something special, something dear and absolutely unique.
And I would like to remind you that you can see Kima's closest relatives on our website, because together with Kima we brought 2 more beautiful pit bulls, namely her sister Zonda and her brother Venum.
2 years
Research results

A study was conducted on hip dysplasia
Result HD:A, ED:0
We are happy to announce the results of our Kima's dysplasia test! We are very happy to report that Kima got the best results possible! The research was conducted by candidate of biological sciences Velichko S.V. m. Kyiv.